Many individuals feel today that insurance coverage for the automobile and homeowners has become a commodity and that all companies and coverage’s are the same. This could not be further from the truth. In reality the coverage for the homeowner can be dramatically different with some companies offering such coverage as Identity Theft and Unscheduled Jewelry as options. Additionally coverage for Guaranteed Replacement Cost can be considerably different from company to company. Even in regard to automobile coverage, there are differences. Uninsured Motorist coverage has many options and is often times not completely understood. Additionally, umbrella coverage requires a certain limit of underlying liability. If your auto carrier is different from your umbrella carrier, this could lead to a gap which would be an expensive mistake should a claim occur?
At Thompson and Peck, Inc., we would love the opportunity to review your coverage and discuss your personal needs. Our goal is to tailor all polices to fit the individuals requirements. We represent most of the major and regional carriers so our premiums are competitive. However, sometimes the best price is not the best coverage. At Thompson and Peck, Inc., we feel that we are able to balance your needs with your desire for a competitive product. Finally, becoming our customer is not the end of the process. In addition to continually reviewing your coverage, we are there to assist when the claim does occur, to make sure that you are treated properly and that the claim is settled fairly. After all that is why you are buying the insurance.
We offer automobile, homeowner, motorcycle, RV, boat, umbrella, short-term medical and long term care. Our professional, experienced agents are dedicated to providing courteous service and arranging quality insurance coverage for you and your family.
Let us give you the personal touch. Insure you and your family, with someone you can trust!